
Lost in the grid

Lost in the grid

Power is such a profound part of our everyday lives, yet few of us really think about where electricity comes from and how it ends up in our homes. The way electricity is transported is actually a super important part of the whole process. But, did you know that as much as one tenth of all electricity is lost in the grid?

Read our latest blog to find out what we can do about it!

Preparing your business for the holiday season

Preparing your business for the holiday season

As the festive season approaches, businesses and offices are preparing to close down or run a skeleton crew for the holiday period. Leaving your office unattended during this period can be nerve racking as the thought of security or needlessly high energy bills threaten to ruin your holiday break. Ask MPE Group’s expert electricians how we can help prepare your business for shutting down and about our 24 hour emergency services.