Could suburban offices make a resurgence in 2022?

Could suburban offices make a resurgence in 2022?

The past two years of the pandemic have seen people working from home in an unprecedented way. However, as we creep our way out of what seems like the worst of it, flexible working arrangements don’t seem to be going anywhere.

So how will the building and business community respond to the growing demand for different kinds of working spaces?

Experts say that hybrid work is already the new normal, and one trend that seems to be taking off is the return to the suburban office. Suburban offices were once dominated by cubicles and a general lack of imagination.

This is a good time for building owners to create spaces that will attract tenants seeking solutions to their changing employee base and lure them out of urban areas. Or even to develop new offices in suburban areas that are already well-serviced.

Working from home has inspired a creativity and flexibility in workers that has increased productivity. People can seamlessly transition from desk to kitchen bench to sofa and workspaces need to reflect this ease of movement.

Suburban office owners are realising that much of their vacant office space conforms to the old paradigm. Many are now taking proactive steps to prepare these spaces for a workforce with new and different demands.

Whether you’re building a suburban office or refurbishing an existing one, our expert team is here to help. Here are some things to consider before you begin:

1. Space

Open, light-filled spaces with freedom of movement is where it's at. Consider adding hot desks for equality and flexibility. As well as open spaces for collaboration and creativity to flow.

2. Light

There’s no reason for people to come into the office if they can sit in their sunny living room or kitchen or even their local cafe so offices need to offer this same feeling. If you can’t add more natural light, never fear! Our expert team can help you design and install a lighting scheme that will feel natural and bright.

3. Comfort

To add to that ‘home-style’ feeling, consider creating lounge spaces with sofas and coffee tables instead of stuffy meeting rooms. Your break rooms and kitchens no longer need to be closed-off, separate rooms. Create spaces that feel like homes or cafes where people can get a coffee and eat their lunch as well as hold a meeting or work on their portable device.

4. Parking

Suburban offices offer the added incentive of being able to offer more parking than their urban counterparts. If building a new urban office, consider adding parking to incentivise flexible access to the office. Affordable, onsite parking will encourage employees who are unwilling to commute or less inclined to spend a full day in the office.

5. What should you do next?

With over 30 years in the industry, our team seamlessly manages each project from beginning to end.

With our experience in interiors, power, lighting, air-conditioning, de-fitting, back-to-base, refurbishment, and more, we’re the team to bring your suburban office to life.