What is Electrical Maintenance?

What is Electrical Maintenance? 

 From shopping centres to petrol stations to entire buildings, electrical maintenance is an essential service for all buildings.  

And with large nation-wide electrical maintenance contracts to boutique services, maintenance is a big part of the job here at MPE Group. 

But what exactly is electrical maintenance?  

Electrical maintenance is the scheduled and routined compliance and upkeep of electrical and mechanical systems within commercial, industrial and residential buildings.  

In other words, it’s a building’s version of the annual dentist trips you keep delaying. 

Why is electrical maintenance important? 

Electrical maintenance, particularly for commercial facilities, is not just an important part of building operations - it’s essential! Routine checks on all electrical components reduces risk, maintains compliances and ensures the safety of workers and visitors of buildings. 

But it’s not just safety that’s important - the reliance on electrical equipment in today’s modern age means that if something goes wrong, a business will not be able to function as normal - and for some, will not be able to function at all! 

Therefore, having routined and regular checks is the best way to prevent any and all untimely disasters. 

What kind of work is involved in electrical maintenance? 

Each facility requires different speciality services. For example, MPE Group works with shopping centres, industrial plants, multi-storey apartments and buildings, chiller plants, and hotels. Each of these facilities require different types of attention, and specialised knowledge to manage the different types of equipment, but broadly all maintenance will include: 

  • Testing

  • Monitoring

  • Repairing

  • Replacing

Some more specific maintenance work can include: 

  • Thermographic Imaging

  • Exit & Emergency Testing

  • RCD Safety Switch Testing

  • Lightning Protection

  • Preventative Switchboard Maintenance

  • Generator Testing

  • Testing and Tagging

  • Switchboard upgrades

  • Wiring repairs

  • Air conditioning maintenance

  • Indoor and outdoor lighting

  • LED downlight replacements

  • Smoke alarm installation and service

It’s important to have a licensed professional with a complete knowledge of all relevant state-based and national regulatory standards.   

How often do you have to maintain your electrical equipment? 

 Again, this is all dependent on the type of building, the types of equipment, its purpose, and location. For example, thermographic imaging typically needs to be completed once a year, but if a switchboard is exposed to extreme weather conditions, more regular thermal imaging checks would be required. 

The moral of the story? Having switched-on (pun absolutely intended) electricians who understand the unique needs of your building’s equipment is the most important factor when looking into the maintenance of your business. 

 MPE Group provides fast, reliable and cost-effective electrical and mechanical maintenance across Melbourne, including a 24-hour emergency electrical service.