Why VICs Powerlines Are Gaining Global Attention

Who’d have thought powerlines could spark such attention? 

Well, it’s really to do with our lack of spark: the successful rollout of Rapid Earth Fault Current Limiters (REFCLs), which prevent bushfires by reducing the voltage of fallen powerlines, has caught the attention of the USA state, California. 

The world-first technology, pioneered by Victoria’s largest electrical distributor, Powercor, will protect around 300,000 homes and businesses across Victoria when fully completed in 2023.
Considering the disastrous effects of California’s record-setting bushfires last year, it makes sense why Powercor engineers have shared their knowledge with representatives from California’s Pacific Gas and Electric, who have begun rolling out similar technologies across the state. 

California’s Bushfires. Source: CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

So, how do Rapid Earth Fault Current Limiters (REFCLs) work? 

REFCL devices are installed on three-phase 22kV powerlines, which are the most common type in Victoria. 

When any one line out of the three-phase powerline falls, the REFCL detects this, and then rapidly reduces the power from running through the fallen line almost instantaneously. 

What’s awesome about this technology is that the REFCL also boosts the voltage into the two remaining lines, which maintains power to homes and businesses while also reducing fire risk. 

After that, the REFCL checks if the fault is still present. If not, the power is restored to the line. If it is, power to all three lines is shut off to protect fire risk, and to protect the crews who are fixing the fault. 

On Total Fire Ban Days, REFCLs operate on heightened fault sensitivity. 

These REFCLs are now located in the areas with the highest risk for bushfires, and in last year’s fire season were activated 650 times. Power remained on in homes and businesses in 86% of these activations, highlighting the safety and reliability of these devices. 

Here at MPE Group, we love seeing Victoria at the forefront of innovative technology that saves lives, protects wildlife and prevents environmental damage, while also keeping the lights ON and businesses running!  

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