Why You Need To Test Your RCDs

Residual Current Devices (RCD)’s are the superheroes of electrical maintenance. 

What do RCD’s and superheroes have in common, you ask? They both save lives. 

Like all the best superheroes, a Residual Current Device has an alter-ego - (Clark Kent we’re looking at you). An RCD is better known as a safety switch. 

An RCD is a device that quickly breaks an electrical circuit, which prevents serious harm from an electrical shock. 

You might be thinking, pfft electric shock, I can handle that. But RCD’s aren’t used for the electrical shocks that you get when you’re going down the elevator at Melbourne Central or the zap you get when you’re bouncing on the trampoline. They’re used to stop the types of electrical shocks that burn both your internal and external tissue. Even if you’ve got superpowers that’s gotta hurt. 

This smart little device works by detecting if there is an imbalance between the active and neutral cables and then automatically turns off. 



Depending on the environment, testing timeframes may vary. Typically every 6 months a push button test is required, and an injection test every 12 months. 

A very special piece of testing equipment, which can only be used by a trained professional, is used to log the trip times and ensure it is within tolerance. These results will be kept in a log book. 



Getting straight to the point, you have to. It is now mandatory for all new and modified power and lighting circuits (up to 32 amps) to be protected by an RCD, in accordance with AS/NZS 3760:2010. 

But besides it being mandatory there are a few other reasons why you should test your RCD’s:

  1. They save lives

  2. Saves you money 

  3. Ensures the safety of all your employees 

  4. Protects you from legal cases where you may be liable as an employer 

  5. Did someone say OHS? 

Get your RCD’s tested by an MPE Group expert today and you’ll be the real hero of your workplace.